Frequently Asked Questions
Is Lianol a hormone?
No, Lianol isn’t a hormone. Lianol is an active, natural molecule originating from a fermentation process. Lianol supports the immune system and stimulates the production of a natural, body's-own growth factor (IGF-1), causing the IGF-1 content to rise.
What is IGF-1?
IGF-1 stands for insulin-like growth factor. Like the name declares, it’s like "the brother" of insulin. Both messenger substances play an important role in various development processes of the body.
Insulin determines a tight regulation of the blood sugar level. It ensures that there is always enough energy available for the body to work with.
However, the growth factor IGF-1ensures the growth and development of all types of body cells and organs. These are, for example, egg-cells, muscle cells, blood vessels, etc. In this way, insulin and IGF-1 are compatible.
FAQ Lianol ferti
What to expect when using Lianol Ferti?
Treated sows will have a shorter weaning to estrus interval. This will make the breeding management easier. Sows come into heat more clearly which makes heat detection easier. Sows tend “to stand” longer and better.
Sows need to be re-served less which leads to a higher farrowing rate and filled up farrowing pens.
Can Lianol replace oestrus suppressing means after weaning (Altrenogest)?
Yes. These products are increasingly used for high prolific sows post-weaning. They “pause” the sow’s cycle and allow for her to be placed in another group. This allows sows to recover from the condition loss they suffered during lactation without them interfering with the breeding management.
Suppressing a sow’s cycle is a very costly solution! At € 3 per non-productive day this method comes with a minimal cost of € 21 per week per sow. Depending on the management system it can lead to a manifold.
Lianol stimulates the sow from the inside out by boosting her own hormonal system. This ensures that she will come into heat better and can be served successfully at only a fraction of the costs.
Can Lianol replace hormone injections after weaning?
It is possible to force a gilt or sow to come into heat with hormone shots. But once inseminated, these treated animals regularly need to be re-served. Lianol stimulates the sow from the inside out by boosting her own hormonal system. This enhances the fertility and prevents the sow from being re-served.
How come Lianol has a positive effect during periods of heat stress?
During warmer periods, all sows tend to eat less. However, their piglets require the same amount of energy in order to grow. This means that sows have to rely on their body reserves even more. When these heavily emaciated sows enter the breeding stable, they will come into heat poorly and will be served with great difficulty.
When these sows eventually do farrow, they will produce smaller litters with weakened piglets. With Lianol added around weaning or during lactation, the IGF-1 level will rise, causing the sows to come into heat sooner and to be re-served less.
Which sows do I treat after weaning?
Always analyze the technical results per parity and proceed from there. Best is to treat all the sows because the growth factor IGF-1 not only decreases with a deteriorated condition but also with age. This is easily done with Lianol Solapro mixed with the diet.
Simplest is to make a selection pre-weaning when individual treatment is preferred. The selection should contain gilts, all 1st and 2de parity sows and all animals with a deteriorated body condition.
Do I still have to use extra sugar after weaning?
This is not strictly necessary, although the body condition of the sows must be acceptable. It is generally recommended to provide an energy dense feed after weaning (flush diet). It will always be more rewarding to prevent condition loss during lactation than to provide extra sugar after weaning.
I already provide sugar to my sows after weaning to improve fertility. Why do I need Lianol as well?
Sugar (dextrose) increases the insulin content of every animal. High insulin content has a positive effect on heat detection of sows. However, post-ovulating, insulin plays no major role in prevention of sows needing to be re-served. Lianol on the other hand, has a wider impact by increasing the growth factor content IGF-1.
Prior to ovulation; Lianol causes:
- Stimulation of the ovaries
- Improvement of quality of ovulating egg-cells (FSH/LH sensitivity is increased)
- Improvement of heat detection
Post-ovulating; it is the growth factor IGF-1 that causes the egg-cells to attach to the uterine wall and the placenta to develop. Therefore, Lianol has an influence on both heat detection and sows needing to be re-served. Due to being complementary to insulin, Lianol enhances the effect of dextrose.
How does Lianol Ferti work?
In order for a sow to be served successfully after weaning, the ovaries must produce high-quality egg-cells. To do so, the ovaries have to receive a specific signal from the brain (FSH/LH release). This will result in egg-cells maturing so they can be fertilized successfully.
The brain will only release this specific signal if the levels of insulin and the growth factor IGF-1 are high enough. Based on the quantity of these 2 hormones, the brain will know the current nutritional status of the sow. Insulin and the growth factor IGF-1 are, so to speak, a thermostat for the body’s nutritional status. This ingenious system prevents a sow from ovulating if it lacks the feed or body condition to bring a possible gestation to a successful ending.
If, after weaning, a sow has a bad body condition, both hormone levels will be low and the sow will often not come into heat. If a sow is in bad condition but receives a sugar-rich diet (flush feeding), the insulin level will rise. The IGF-1 level on the other hand will only slowly recover. As a result, a sow will come into heat and can be served, but mostly unsuccessfully.
If a sow is in a bad condition but receives a flush diet and Lianol, she will come into heat and will be served successfully! Lianol Ferti and flushing diets are complementary to each other.
FAQ Lianol vital
What effect does Lianol have before farrowing?
Lianol (through IGF-1) stimulates the creation of new microscopical blood vessels in the placenta. This increases the supply of nutrients and oxygen for each piglet. It increases the exchange capacity of the placenta for nutrients as well. This leads to heavier and more active piglets at birth.
What effect does Lianol have after farrowing?
Cleansing of the uterus will be easier through modulation and reduction of the inflammation process. This helps the sow to feel and to eat better. After farrowing, Lianol stimulates a better onset of the milk production. IGF1 positively influences the development of the mammary gland and the actual start of milk production.
How does Lianol affect the birth weight of piglets?
The birth weight of a piglet is mainly determined by:
- the body condition of the sow
- the exchange of nutrients between the sow and the piglet in the last 20 days of gestation. In the last 2-3 weeks of gestation, 1/3 of the total piglet growth takes place.
Even in the relatively short period before farrowing, Lianol can exert a positive influence on the average birth weight. It ensures a better transfer of nutrients between the sow and the piglets and it provides a better blood flow in the placenta.
Which sows do I treat around farrowing?
Best is to treat all the sows because IGF-1 content decreases in times of stress. Changing of housing (entering the farrowing pen) and sometimes of diet requires an enormous adjustment. This is accompanied by a lot of stress. Optimal support is therefore advisable.
How does Lianol boost milk production?
Lianol increases the growth factor content IGF-1 in the blood. Together with prolactin, IGF-1 increases both the number of milk producing cells and the yield of each individual cell. Therefore, Lianol helps to create MORE milk-producing cells in the mammary gland. Lianol enhances the effect of a good transition diet.
I already use a transition diet (from gestation to lactation), in order to have a good start of the lactation. Why should I use Lianol?
Lianol increases the growth factor content IGF-1 in the blood. Together with prolactin, IGF-1 increases both the number of milk producing cells and the yield of each individual cell. Therefore, Lianol helps to create MORE milk-producing cells in the mammary gland. Lianol enhances the effect of a good transition diet.
FAQ Lianol colostro
What makes Lianol Colostro unique?
The unique aspect of Colostro is that it provides a significant extra punch for newborns. It increases the growth factor (IGF-1) of piglets. During the first 6 weeks in life, the total IGF-1 content of a piglet is the sole determining factor for how fast it will evolve and grow. Colostro also supports the immune system. This combination will give those smaller and weakened piglets an equal chance at survival.
Will Lianol Colostro supplementation be at the expense of colostrum uptake?
No, research shows that Lianol even promotes antibody resorption and colostrum uptake. The piglets become more active and turn to the udder faster. The benefits of Lianol Colostro are threefold. First, it is an important energy shot. It will boost the suckling reflex. Secondly Colostro increases the growth factors and therefore the development of the piglet. Finally, it supports the immune system.
When should I dispense Lianol Colostro?
Lianol Colostro is preferably given immediately after birth. For very weakened or small piglets, the treatment can be repeated after 24 hours. After general treatment of the piglets (castration and iron injection), Lianol Colostro helps in a quick recovery.
To which piglets should I give Lianol Colostro?
The advice is to give Lianol Colostro to all piglets between 800 g and 1200 g and to all the weakened ones. Combined, this amounts to approximately 25% of an entire litter. Even smaller piglets (<800 g) also benefit from Lianol Colostro. Although the chance at survival is more limited due to insufficient organ development.
How does Lianol Colostro work?
Colostro makes sure that even small and weakened piglets will evolve almost as good as their heavier siblings. The quantity of the growth factor IGF-1* present in the body at birth, is directly responsible for how quickly newborns will grow and how quickly their organs will develop. At birth, smaller and weakened piglets always have less of this growth factor IGF-1 in their blood.
If untreated, they will lag behind in growth compared to their heavier siblings. With Lianol Colostro the IGF-1 content of small piglets is quickly brought to a higher level. In addition, it also gives a shot of indispensable energy that will work for 24 hours.
Should I treat only the runt piglets with Lianol Colostro?
Lianol Colostro stimulates the production of the growth factor IGF-1 in piglets. This increases vitality. Small piglets will grow faster and acquire a better chance at survival. Stimulation of the growth factors will also positively influence the growth and development of heavier piglets. The advice is to treat all the piglets between 800 g and 1200 g and all the weakened piglets. (25% of the entire litter)
Can I re-use the Lianol Colostro pump?
Yes. For hygienic reasons and to prevent the pump from clogging up, we recommend cleaning the pump after using it with hot and clean water.
My dosing pump of Lianol Colostro is sometimes blocked when I re-use it?
Lianol Colostro is a viscous liquid. It can dry up and stick to the inside mechanism of the pump. After use, it is recommended to rinse the pump with hot and clean water. If the pump stays blocked, keep rinsing it frequently with hot water to dissolve the dried product.
How long can I preserve an open bottle of Lianol Colostro?
After opening, it is best to store the bottle in a cool and dry place (< 15 °C). In these conditions, an opened bottle can be stored for 2 months if it has been properly resealed.
FAQ Lianol basdiar
What to expect when using Lianol Basdiar?
Lianol Basdiar causes a reduction in pre-weaning mortality and prevents certain types of diarrhea from happening. In addition, the experiences of long-term Basdiar users are:
- Piglets are moved to foster sows less often and especially later in time. (piglets can stay with their own mother for a longer period of time)
- Possibility to wean more piglets with the own mother.
- Better use of the sow’s own colostrum. The best antibodies for each piglet can be found at their mothers.
- Less mingling of piglets leading to less spreading of diseases.
- Less use of antibiotics with Basdiar.
- Piglets learn faster how to consume a solid diet.
What is Basdiar?
Lianol Basdiar is a European certified supplementary animal feed with a special nutritional purpose. (Dietetic Feed - EG 2008/38) It is for newborn and young piglets to stabilize digestion and to compensate for iron deficiency after birth. It must always be given simultaneously with either sow milk, artificial milk or pre-starter.
Will Lianol Basdiar supplementation be at the expense of colostrum uptake?
The use of Lianol Basdiar has no influence on the absorption of antibodies present in sows’ colostrum. Good colostrum uptake and an optimal transfer of antibodies to the piglet is from upmost importance due to the fact that less and less colostrum is available per individual piglet.
As soon as possible, Basdiar has to protect the more or less sterile gut from harmful substances. Basdiar helps the gut to develop in a balanced way. It blocks and captures pathogenic germs and ensures a healthy intestinal flora. It stimulates all piglets to get a good iron and feed uptake.
Do I still need to inject iron while using Lianol Basdiar?
Yes. However, for some piglets this iron injection comes too late or happens to be too little. Lianol Basdiar provides a good supplementation of iron immediately after birth. This supports the production of red blood cells and improves oxygen transport throughout the body.
Piglets drink Lianol Basdiar well, but I don't notice any difference after its use?
Lianol Basdiar supports the development of the intestinal flora and the gut structure. Doing so, it improves the digestion of milk or any solid diet. In the long term its biggest effect is the decrease in pre-weaning mortality. In the short term it reduces the chance of diarrhea caused by maldigestion.
The solution of Lianol Basdiar sags quickly, is this problematic for its functioning?
As soon as Lianol Basdiar is dissolved in water, it starts to sag. This is normal due to the clay particles. This sagging doesn’t interfere with its adequate functioning. First piglets will drink the water and the algae, next they will consume the sediment. For this to happen, the product must always remain moist for the piglets to root with ease. Lianol Basdiar permits piglets to stay easily hydrated which is essential in this early phase of life.
How does the Lianol Basdiar feeding schedule look like?
Please consult the instructions for use. Follow the advice as indicated to use Lianol Basdiar from birth till day 8 of life.
Can I dissolve Lianol Basdiar with milk or an electrolyte solution?
Lianol Basdiar can be mixed with artificial milk or electrolytes. If so, it is necessary to clean the feed bowl twice a day. This is unnecessary when Lianol Basdiar is mixed with water.
When should I clean the feed bowls when using Basdiar?
Daily cleaning is unnecessary! It is sufficient to briefly empty the feed bowls in the event of visual contamination and refill them with fresh product.
Can the iron content of Lianol Basdiar stimulate E. COLI to grow and thus cause diarrhea?
The iron content of Basdiar is mainly organic iron. It is bound in such a stable chelate form that it makes it very difficult to use for the E. coli living in the gut. Furthermore, all the trials indicate that Basdiar suppresses diarrhea caused by maldigestion.
Will Lianol Basdiar bind trace elements and minerals?
Lianol Basdiar consists of carefully selected raw materials. It is scientifically proven that each of these individual components does not bind trace elements or minerals. One can easily feed Lianol Basdiar for three consecutive weeks without the risk of binding these minerals.
When I feed Lianol Basdiar, I am worried my piglets will not grow well?
On the contrary, Lianol Basdiar benefits the digestion of all the proteins and energy present in sow's milk. This makes the piglets grow as well as before.
When should I start feeding / opening the feeding cups when using Lianol Basdiar?
Additional feeding through the automated cup-system or extra feed bowls can be provided from the 5th day onwards. We recommend to continue with Lianol Basdiar at least until day 7. It stimulates all piglets to consume a solid diet more easily through the stimulation of their rooting behavior.
Lianol Basdiar creates dust when used?
Indeed, the product can be dusty. Due to its specific composition and for adequate functioning, it has a very fine structure. For the instructions please consult the label.
Can you also dispense Lianol Basdiar in its dry form?
The potency and effect of Lianol Basdiar lies in the unique combination of algae / iron / clay minerals and water. Therefore, it is always recommended to supply the product with water.
My staff doesn’t like to use Lianol Basdiar because of the extra work?
Experience indicates that in the end, long-term use of Lianol Basdiar will require less labor. Everything will run more smoothly in the farrowing pen. A reduced pre-weaning mortality rate is always a good motivator for the staff.
The piglets don't drink enough Lianol basdiar?
The usual cause is a sow producing more than enough milk. Therefore, the piglets are less likely to drink Lianol Basdiar at this early age. They eventually will drink the Basdiar solution, which means they will ingest iron and algae. Therefore, always keep at least 1 cm of water on the mixed product. Always start with small amounts at multiple times so the piglets do not lose interest.
Do I have to dispense Lianol Basdiar to all the litters present or can I be more selective in its use?
Basdiar should be provided to all litters present in the farrowing pen. The greatest effect of Lianol Basdiar acts on the intestinal health of the piglets and their iron and mineral supplementation. It also helps in keeping the environmental infection pressure down.
FAQ Lianol Solapro
How does Lianol Solapro improves the immunity of freshly weaned piglets?
Lianol has a 3-folded way to protect the gut of freshly weaned piglets.
- it re-establishes a homeostasis in the gut mucosa
- it enhances the resistance of tight-junctions in the gut
- it regulates a correct immune response against underlying infections (immune modulation).
These combined actions help weaned piglets to clear infections faster and to reduce the presence of intestinal pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, Lianol also restores the lowered serum IGF-1 level, causing a normalization of the weight gain.
How come Lianol has a positive effect during periods of heat stress?
During warmer periods, all sows tend to eat less. However, their piglets require the same amount of energy in order to grow. This means that sows have to rely on their body reserves even more. When these heavily emaciated sows enter the breeding stable, they will come into heat poorly and will be served with great difficulty.
When these sows eventually do farrow, they will produce smaller litters with weakened piglets. With Lianol added around weaning or during lactation, the IGF-1 level will rise, causing the sows to come into heat sooner and to be re-served less.
How does Lianol Solapro improves fertility?
In order for a sow to be served successfully after weaning, the ovaries must produce high-quality egg-cells. To do so, the ovaries have to receive a specific signal from the brain (FSH/LH release). This will result in egg-cells maturing so they can be fertilized successfully.
The brain will only release this specific signal if the levels of insulin and the growth factor IGF-1 are high enough. Based on the quantity of these 2 hormones, the brain will know the current nutritional status of the sow. Insulin and the growth factor IGF-1 are, so to speak, a thermostat for the body’s nutritional status. This ingenious system prevents a sow from ovulating if it lacks the feed or body condition to bring a possible gestation to a successful ending.
If, after weaning, a sow has a bad body condition, both hormone levels will be low and the sow will often not come into heat. If a sow is in bad condition but receives a sugar-rich diet (flush feeding), the insulin level will rise. The IGF-1 level on the other hand will only slowly recover. As a result, a sow will come into heat and can be served, but mostly unsuccessfully.
If a sow is in a bad condition but receives a flush diet and Lianol, she will come into heat and will be served successfully! Lianol Solapro and flushing diets are complementary to each other.
Can Lianol replace hormone injections after weaning?
It is possible to force a gilt or sow to come into heat with hormone shots. But once inseminated, these treated animals regularly need to be re-served. Lianol stimulates the sow from the inside out by boosting her own hormonal system. This enhances the fertility and prevents the sow from being re-served.
Can Lianol replace oestrus suppressing means after weaning (Altrenogest)?
Yes. These products are increasingly used for high prolific sows post-weaning. They “pause” the sow’s cycle and allow for her to be placed in another group. This allows sows to recover from the condition loss they suffered during lactation without them interfering with the breeding management.
Suppressing a sow’s cycle is a very costly solution! At € 3 per non-productive day this method comes with a minimal cost of € 21 per week per sow. Depending on the management system it can lead to a manifold.
Lianol stimulates the sow from the inside out by boosting her own hormonal system. This ensures that she will come into heat better and can be served successfully at only a fraction of the costs.
What effect does Lianol have before farrowing?
Lianol (through IGF-1) stimulates the creation of new microscopical blood vessels in the placenta. This increases the supply of nutrients and oxygen for each piglet. It increases the exchange capacity of the placenta for nutrients as well. This leads to heavier and more active piglets at birth.
What effect does Lianol have after farrowing?
Cleansing of the uterus will be easier through modulation and reduction of the inflammation process. This helps the sow to feel and to eat better. After farrowing, Lianol stimulates a better onset of the milk production. IGF1 positively influences the development of the mammary gland and the actual start of milk production.
Which sows do I treat around farrowing?
Best is to treat all the sows because IGF-1 content decreases in times of stress. Changing of housing (entering the farrowing pen) and sometimes of diet requires an enormous adjustment from the sow. This is accompanied by a lot of stress. Optimal support is therefore advisable.
Do I still have to use extra sugar after weaning?
This is not strictly necessary, although the body condition of the sows must be acceptable. It is generally recommended to provide an energy dense feed after weaning (flush diet). It will always be more rewarding to prevent condition loss during lactation than to provide extra sugar after weaning.
How does Lianol boost milk production?
Lianol increases the growth factor content IGF-1 in the blood. Together with prolactin, IGF-1 increases both the number of milk producing cells and the yield of each individual cell. Therefore, Lianol helps to create MORE milk-producing cells in the mammary gland. Lianol enhances the effect of a good transition diet.
I already provide sugar to my sows after weaning to improve fertility. Why do I need Lianol as well?
Sugar (dextrose) increases the insulin content of every animal. High insulin content has a positive effect on heat detection of sows. However, post-ovulating, insulin plays no major role in prevention of sows needing to be re-served. Lianol on the other hand, has a wider impact by increasing the growth factor content IGF-1.
Prior to ovulation; Lianol causes:
- Stimulation of the ovaries
- Improvement of quality of ovulating egg-cells (FSH/LH sensitivity is increased)
- Improvement of heat detection
Post-ovulating; it is the growth factor IGF-1 that causes the egg-cells to attach to the uterine wall and the placenta to develop. Therefore, Lianol has an influence on both heat detection and sows needing to be re-served. Due to being complementary to insulin, Lianol enhances the effect of dextrose.
I already use a transition diet (from gestation to lactation), in order to have a good start of the lactation. Why should I use Lianol?
Lianol increases the growth factor content IGF-1 in the blood. Together with prolactin, IGF-1 increases both the number of milk producing cells and the yield of each individual cell. Therefore, Lianol helps to create MORE milk-producing cells in the mammary gland. Lianol enhances the effect of a good transition diet.
How does Lianol affect the birth weight of piglets?
The birth weight of a piglet is mainly determined by:
- the body condition of the sow
- the exchange of nutrients between the sow and the piglet in the last 20 days of gestation. In the last 2-3 weeks of gestation, 1/3 of the total piglet growth takes place.
Even in the relatively short period before farrowing, Lianol can exert a positive influence on the average birth weight. It ensures a better transfer of nutrients between the sow and the piglets and it provides a better blood flow in the placenta.